Nepal: Indian PM Modi was in France while Manipur was burning

“When Albert Einstein met Charlie Chaplin, Einstein said, “what I most admire about your art, is your universality. You don’t say a word, yet the world understands you! It’s true, replied Chaplin. But your glory is even greater! the whole world admires you, even though they don’t understand a word of what you say”.


“As we have heard and read somewhere about late Rameshwar Nath Kao-the main architect of the Research and Analysis reporting “two years earlier” to Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi that Bangladesh was sure to emerge in South Asia sooner than later.
The RAW Chief said so perhaps he have had posted “some moles” right inside” the Pakistani military service or else how could Kao tell his associates his men back in India that well within three days Pakistan will fire on India.
The first two days went in vain. Kao’s colleagues dismissed RAW Chief’s absurd claim but RAW Chief was confident on his high placed mole inside Pakistan”.

-Excerpts from the article. 

N. P. Upadhyaya (Aryal)

Kathmandu: A very influential French newspaper (Daily) with International recognition, Le Monde just ahead of Indian Prime Minister Modi’s visit, July 12, 2023, to Paris had not so much pleasing words for the Indian Prime Minister landing in France for attending the Bastille Day, July 14, -taken as the French National day.

Alice Mogwe-the President of the International Federation of Human Rights, and Patrick Baudouin -the President of the League of Human Rights, believe in a column in the “World” write that “the presence as Guest of Honor of the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the 14 July parade is in no way an occasion to celebrate human rights, given the sad record of this leader (implied Modi)”.

The title of the article authored by the two HR giants of international stature published by the Le Monde says, “Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is a character who has been fueling state violence for decades”.

The title itself speaks of PM Modi’s personal (implied) contribution to the spread of the violence across India since he came to power in 2014 and thus the deep hatred in France.

So much so that writing for Le Monde as early as May 10, 2023, Sophie Landrin had already warned French Government that PM Modi is being invited to Paris at a time when democracy in India is being subjected to repeated attacks orchestrated by the government itself.

Sophie’s article is titled, “The miscalculation of inviting Modi to France on Bastille Day”.

A former Pakistan embassy official in France, Qamar Bashir for the Daily Times writes quoting Le Figaro (pronounced La Figaho, a very influential French Daily) proclaiming that “the invitation to PM Modi is a slap in the face to the values of Human Rights and democracy that France claims to uphold.

Yet another widely distributed French newspaper “Liberation” pronounced, Libe Hashion, stated, that Modi’s arrival in France is a sign of the growing ties between France and Hindu nationalism”.

About my own visit to France:

(In 1994, this scribe had the honor to be interviewed by this Daily newspaper at a lavish Restaurant in Paris.
I was invited by the French Foreign Ministry for some eighteen days stay. It was this visit to France that I developed intimate ties with the European Union office in Kathmandu.

However, the bonds appear to have evaporated unfortunately.

Likewise, the L“Humanite greeted PM Modi as follows: “ invitation of Narendra Modi is a disgrace to France”. France’s choice for Modi, the most controversial personality, as the guest of honor on the French national day, surprised many, specially the French, who felt humiliated an insulted when Modi was given a red-carpet welcome by Macron.

The news that Godi media buried in India:

Upon his exorbitant arrival in Paris, the city of perfumes, however Modi was met by a large crowd protesting his human rights record and the following morning, all French dailies ran blaring headlines describing the incident as an “insult” to the French people and a slap in France’s face.

Exorbitant in the sense that Nepal is nursing some ten million plus Indian beggars across the country. Indian beggars could be seen loitering round the year in Kathmandu, Biratnagar, Birganj, Nepal Ganj, Janakpur and etc. asking alms.
Now the beggars are with their entire family members including rickety children.

India’s best help to Nepal would be to stop helping Nepal. But take back the beggars please.

And yet Indian media says Nepal is poor! Yes! We are poor because of India.

Back to France:
Why President Emanuel Macron invited PM Modi to celebrate its national day is beyond our comprehension, however, a tentative political reason could be somehow or the other established as PM Modi’s arrival in Paris may have provided an opportune moment for Macron on how to quell the internal threats as PM Modi is near to an expert on how to “tame and quash “ such communal scuffles as Modi has been doing since his advent in 2024 in India.
PM Modi best knows on how to control the irate groups as he has been doing with the minority Indian Muslims and Adivasiss, and Dalits.

Could be that PM Modi’s expertise was very much appreciated and hence he was invited by President Macron to take the needed steps to quell the rampage that was seen inside France only recently.

No. Not at all. Modi was invited to buy French weapons and in doing so, France too could be held responsible in destabilizing South Asia.

After the USA, it is France which has summarily ignored the South Asian peace and regional stability as the fresh weapons from France is sure to embolden India in South Asia even more.

India is being weaponized by the Western powers when Pakistani State is weakest ever.
Its society, politics, media, HR activists, judiciary (?) and even the “serving diplomats” are divided on Imran Khan and PM Shehbaz Sharif lines, I guess.

Add to this the high penetration of the RAW spies in Pakistani politics.
Some allege that many Pakistani diplomats posted in South Asian countries have secret linkages with the RAW men.
Such diplomats need to be hanged by Pakistani military or by the Pakistan’s competent authorities.
As we have heard and read somewhere about late Rameshwar Nath Kao-the main architect of the Research and Analysis reporting “two years earlier” to Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi that Bangladesh is sure to emerge in South Asia sooner than later.

The RAW Chief said so perhaps he have had posted “some moles” right inside” the Pakistani military service or else how could Kao tell his associates his men back in India that well within three days Pakistan will fire on India.
The first two days went in vain. Kao’s colleagues dismissed RAW Chief’s absurd claim but RAW Chief was confident on his high placed mole inside Pakistan.

Finally, as RAW Chief expected and had been informed by the mole in Pakistan, the Pakistan Army fired on India and the rest is history.
If so then several moles even as of now may be working to split Pakistan.
By the same token, the reverse is also true that a seasoned Pakistan may have also its “agents” inside India collecting secret security information. ( Compiled from Internet Sources on Rameshwar Nath Kao from Google. REad more in th Google if interested) . 
In all, what I wish to say here is that Pakistan is a weak country from the beginning and it is weak even as of now. Indian spynetwork appears at its par excellence. 

Pakistani diplomats to be posted in South Asia must be a trained and experienced diplomats but not the ones who have just been sent to occupy the “lucrative posts” . 

The non-ending power struggle in politics there is weakening the country each second.

Or else, B’desh would not have emerged in South Asian in the year 1971.

Pakistan must understand its weaknesses over India.

As of now even, the all-powerful military-the backbone of the nation, too is treading a difficult path.
But the Military must restore its lost stamina only to safeguard Pakistani sovereignty as against “recognized terrible neighbors”.

To keep South Asian region safe, the Pakistani state must work hard day-in-day out and expand its reach to friendly nations to match the India’s visible superiority.
It is here the Pakistani diplomats’ diplomatic acumen will be proved. Indian diplomacy is at par excellence in South Asia. Pakistan can’t compete India’s unless its doubles its diplomatic acumen.
Back to France:

Macron apparently must have asked a few “useful” questions to PM Modi on how he left Manipur, Imphal burring and boiling for over a month or so?

Needless to say, Modi landed in France leaving Manipur burning. PM Modi took Manipur as if it were not inside India.

While I am writing this story, Thursday, 20 July, a news penned by Malkit Singh, published in TrueScoop dated July 20, has come to my email which reads in part, “In a crime against humanity incident, two Manipur women were paraded without clothes by a mob of men allegedly belonging to the Meitei community in Manipur. As per reports the Manipur women parade video was two months old i. e its time line is May 04, 2023, but it surfaced on the social media on Wednesday and ever since then a huge nationwide uproar can be witnessed on social media”.

Similarly, The WIRE with the same date publishes a short story titled “Shocking video show Two Kuki women Paraded Naked; the one was allegedly gangraped”.

According to the WIRE, the ghastly incident occurred in B. Phainom village in Kangpokpi district on May 4, 2023, one day after the ongoing ethnic clashes between the Meiteis and Kukis began”.

This means that Indian Prime Minister Modi went for a pleasure trip to France when the parade incident had already happened.

Some rightfully claim that PM Modi was in full knowledge of the sad event but yet could not control his temptation to hug and embrace President Emanuel macron.

Or else, why the two Human Right veterans said in the aforementioned article that PM Modi was unfit to be invited as Guest of honor to the traditional French National day?

In a similar move, Sandeep Dikshit writing for the Tribune dated July 18, 2023 says that “a section of the French media and intellectuals have said PM Modi shouldn’t have been invited for Bastille Day, 14 July, in view of allegations against his Government of human rights violations and democratic backsliding.

To recall, PM Modi once was accused of complicity in the anti-Muslim pogroms that bloodied the then-state of Gujarat in 2002 – killing over a thousand people – he was banned from entering the USA for a decade. (Source-Internet).

Modi then was Gujrat Chief Minister.

However, for some time now PM Modi is being encouraged primarily by the US, Australia, Japan who have made India as a strategic “security mechanism” partner. Now France joins the train.

From visa ban to darling of the West? What a fun!

The QUAD has been reportedly designed specially to encircle or say contain China’s increasing political and technological influence in the global politics.
Analysts say that both India and the US are at best using each other to curb the influence of China in South Asia and the globe.
Add to this the Belt and Road Initiative of China which has been signed by several countries across the globe including some Western countries.
While the trickster India is glued to the US to enable itself to see face to face China if and when both confront at the international order then the US intends to use and overuse India to control China’s increasing hold in international politics.
Thus, both have their “marriage of convenience” but yet India is being used extensively by the US even in far flung Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea.

A June 29, 2023, Reuters story penned jointly by Michael Martina and David Brunnstorm states that the US expects a greater partnership with India in the South China Sea where China is at the center of numerous territorial disputes with the countries in the neighborhood.

A July 05, 2023, story published by the Hindu daily quoting Taiwan’s Foreign Ministry said that in an important step at expanding economic linkages, Taiwan announced recently that it would open its third representative office in India in Mumbai.

A Mumbai-Taipei Economic and Cultural Center (TECC).

Interestingly, India and Taiwan do not maintain formal diplomatic ties but yet clandestinely “intimacy” between the two is increasing.

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China perhaps knows it better. The act of mocking China continues.

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That’s all.